The flowchart provides a representation of the process as it takes into account all inputs, decision points, results, actions, and outputs. To achieve this, each box is assigned a function, and all possible paths from the start of the chart to the final outcome are displayed, linking each box with a designated type of connection (for example, the sequence flow) and making it clear with arrows which box contains the next piece of information.
Flowcharts in projects are likely to be used in;
Often, stakeholders, sponsors, or project managers at the top ask for flowcharts to understand how a process operates. Setting it up is really easy, and it is really helpful for figuring out what's not working, since it highlights the deficiencies in the process. Flowcharts can also be used to communicate the project plan to stakeholders and team members. Knowing how to create and interpret flow charts is a valuable skill for project managers.
Making a flowchart is as simple as drawing it with a pen and paper. Flow charts are easily made by anyone. The result is a flow chart that shows the ordering and dependency of actions that will be performed later in the process.
There are common elements to all flowcharts represented by figures: ellipses indicate the beginning and ending points, quadrilaterals show decision stages, and arrows show flow direction.